Designed for connecting digital devices to a serial link, Model 2303 interface card provides the functionality of a GPIB-to-digital interface over an RS-232 link or RS-485 network. It can be used for connecting digital devices to PCs, monitoring digital signals, or controlling digital devices from an RS-485 network. The board eliminates the need for a GPIB interface card. Measuring only 4.5" x 5.5", the card provides 40 digital I/O lines that can be configured as latched outputs or gated inputs in 8-bit increments. Data transfer can be to a specific byte or to multiple bytes. Data polarity, handshaking, status and control line polarities, data formats and an IDN message are configured by the user and saved to flash memory. An IEEE-488.2 Status Structure can generate a service request message when selected input lines change states.