Capable of displaying up to four video signals as windows on a single monitor, the Cobra 400 video processor is available as either a 6U VME card or a standalone, 2U box-level module. The board accepts 12 video inputs and includes a separate input for a RGB or DVI graphics overlay. Video inputs supported include TV, RS170, RS343, STANAG Class A, and computer video with resolutions up to 1,600 x 1,200. Video sources can be scaled to any position on the monitor screen or zoomed to full screen. Other display configurations include quad video, picture-in-picture, side-by-side, and overlapping windows. The board receives power via the VME bus and is controlled via TCP/IP, RS-232, or the VME connection. PRIMAGRAPHICS, Charlottesville, VA. (434) 951-9460.
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