Designed to simplify wireless base-station receiver circuits, as well as reduce cost and improve performance, the ATF-54143 is said to be the industry's first true small-signal E-pHEMT1 device. Representing the first in a family of high-gain, highly linear low noise transistors, the new device is targeted for use in receivers in the 450 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range. Typical performance at 2 GHz is a noise figure of 0.55 dB, a +36 dBm output intercept point, and 17.4 dB associated gain at 2 GHz. Operation is from a single 3V supply, with the transistor capable of delivering 60 mA of current. Unlike gallium arsenide (GaAs), metal-semiconductor field effect transistor (MESFET), and high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) semiconductors, devices manufactured with E-pHEMT technology require only a single positive voltage supply for turn. The components that provide the negative voltage supply are no longer required, freeing up valuable board and reducing system cost. The ATF-54143 is priced at $1.97 each/25,000 with delivery from stock.