For high-end power systems requiring maximum uptime, the IR5001S universal ORing controller works with an N-channel power MOSFET, replacing the traditional ORing diodes. In comparison and according to the company, the device will reduce power dissipation up to 85% and board space by at least 50%. It is suitable for use in a range of circuits including -48V/-24V input active ORing, 24V/48V output for redundant ac/dc rectifiers, 12V output for multiple-output dc/dc and ac/dc conversion, and in low-voltage output, redundant-processor power schemes. The chip also accommodates reverse-polarity applications. Specs include a VIN from 5V to 100V, maximum VCC of 15V, FET turn-off delay and turn-off times of 130 ns and 20 ns, respectively, and a peak turn-off gate drive of 3A. Additionally, the controller includes two diagnostic pins—FET Check and FET Status—to determine ORing-circuit status. In an SO-8 package, price is $0.67 each/10,000. For more information, contact Wayne Yoshida at INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER CORP., El Segundo, CA. (310) 252-7726.
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