This PCI bus board can be used in both desktop and embedded environments. It is based on Texas Instruments' 60-MHz TMS320C32 DSP and also offers 512 KB of SRAM, a 3-MHz, 12-bit A/D converter, 25-MHz, 12-bit D/A converter, and a digital data connector for the I/O portion—the connector can be connected directly to an IDE hard drive for high speed data acquisition applications. In addition, a Xilinx Virtex FPGA gives the board added flexibility and power. And dual-ported RAM, digital filters and other logic cores can be incorporated into the board. The boot loader mode of operation of the TMS320C32 is fully supported on the Model AVR-32 for embedded applications. The board has 512 KB of Flash memory and a voltage supervisor. Software includes an assembler, debugger, device drivers for Windows 98/NT/2000, FPGA and DSP support utilities, and sample programs. The price for the Model AVR-32 in single quantities is $995. The software development kit is approximately $400.