Based on open standard form-factors including PMC and PCI, the PMC-FPGA05D and DEV-FPGA05 boards support the latest Virtex-5 FPGA family from Xilinx. The FPGAs are said to significantly increase processing capabilities over the company's previous generations of boards. These improvements include faster access to multiple banks of QDR SRAM and DDR SDRAM, high-bandwidth accesses to customizable logic in real-time, and higher throughputs. For PCI-based development platforms, the DEV-FPGA05 employs an LX50 Virtex-5 FPGA. Targeting embedded applications common to medical imaging or aerospace and defense systems, the PMC-FPGA05D PMC module enlists a Virtex-5 LX110. Optional I/O modules are available including parallel LVDS, CameraLink, and RS-422. Available in September, single-unit pricing for the PMC-FPGA05D and DEV-FPGA05 starts at $5,995. VMETRO INC., Houston, TX. (281) 584-0728.
Company: VMETRO INC.
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