For designs transitioning to 32-bit MCUs, the company, in partnership with IAR systems, has unveiled what it calls the industry's lowest-cost ARM development kit. The 32-KB, code-limited KickStart kit (AT91SAM7S64-IAR) transports 8/16-bit C-code to the AT91SAM7S32 flash ARM processor. It includes an evaluation board, JTAG-ICE debug interface, IAR's Embedded Workbench, and a 20-state version of visualSTATE. The integrated development environment includes a C/C++ cross compiler, linker, debugger, editor, and project manager. And the visualSTATE graphical verification and code generation environment allows users to simultaneously view, in UML-compliant charts, multiple concurrent, interrelated processes, or execution threads in real-time systems using UML-based state charts. Other features include a compiler, library of API drivers, and a JTAG in-circuit emulator that supports hardware breakpoints and software-controlled trace while providing access to the processor registers and internal memory. Price for the kit is $295. ATMEL CORP., San Jose, CA. (408) 441-0311.
Company: ATMEL CORP.
Product URL: Click here for more information