Tool Aids In Evaluation Of ARM-Based MCUs

Sept. 23, 2009
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In the LPC1313-Stick, designers will find a tool for evaluation of the ARM Cortex-M3 based LPC1300 controller family from NXP Semiconductors. The LPC1313-Stick comes with an unlimited HiTOP debugger, GNU ARM compiler and the professional Tasking compiler as well as a large selection of application code. In addition, benchmarking is easy with the included tools from EEMBC. The EnergyBench can be executed with different supply voltages and CPU frequencies to get detailed information on power consumption. For performance benchmarking examples from EEMBC’s CoreMark are included. With the complete tool chain, detailed documentation, and helpful examples, the LPC1313-Stick is a suitable tool for a fast and efficient evaluation of the LPC1313 controller. A version equipped with the LPC1343 offering an additional USB interface is also available. Access to most of the LPC1313 controller’s peripherals is provided via an 80-pin connector and can easily be used with the prototype extension boards. HITEX DEVELOPMENT TOOLS, Irvine, CA. (949) 863-0320.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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