Designed to give engineers a wider choice when designing low-voltage, 3.3 Vcc applications, the 74LVTH543 LVT is available with (LVTH) or without (LVT) bushold on the data pins. Offered as an option, the Bushold function maintains a valid logic state on an unloaded input, eliminating the need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors, thereby reducing component count on the printed circuit board. This device is also intended to be used as a socket replacement to create a smooth transition from 5 V to 3 V systems. Drive outputs of +64 mA or -32 mA enable the device to drive the large loads associated with backplanes, memory arrays, telecom switches, and networking devices. During power up and power down, the device claims guaranteed high impedance inputs and outputs. The device is available in 24-lead SOIC and TSSO packages and is priced at $0.55 each/1,000.
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