Subminiature Quartz Crystals Suit Densely-Populated PC Boards

Sept. 1, 1998
Housed in a tiny, 5 x 7 mm ceramic package, the NES7 and NLS7 Series of quartz crystals are available in frequencies ranging from 9.8304 to 40.32 MHz (fundamental) and 28.6363 to 100 MHz (third overtone). Employing rugged, subminiature AT-cut strip

Housed in a tiny, 5 x 7 mm ceramic package, the NES7 and NLS7 Series of quartz crystals are available in frequencies ranging from 9.8304 to 40.32 MHz (fundamental) and 28.6363 to 100 MHz (third overtone). Employing rugged, subminiature AT-cut strip crystal resonators and standing just 1.3 mm high, the devices are suited for densely-populated pc board applications, such as disk drives, PCMCIA cards, PCs, and handheld products requiring low-profile SMT components.

Company: SARONIX

Product URL: Click here for more information

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