ADC Employs Unique Architecture

Jan. 1, 2002

The FMS9884A-175 three-channel, eight-bit A/D converter incorporates a unique architecture that optimizes and encodes the analog RGB signal prior to formatting for the latest generation of flat-panel displays and projector systems. It is capable of converting images with resolutions up to 1,600 x 1,200 at 65 Hz or up to 1,600 x 1,200 at 85 Hz using alternate-pixel sampling. Other features of the new ADC include an adaptive PLL, on-board voltage reference, single- or dual-port digital outputs, input clamps, and programmable variable-gain amplifiers. Available in 100, 140 and 175-Msamples/s versions in a 128-lead MQFP, prices are $9, $12.15 and $18.23, respectively, each/1,000. Delivery times range from six to eight weeks. FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR INTERNATIONAL, San Jose, CA. (888) 522-5372.

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