CEL has added a series of ZigBee transceiver chips to its family of IEEE 802.15.4 products. The ZIC2410 series combines a ZigBee-compliant RF transceiver with an 8051-based 8-bit microprocessor. These system-on-chip (SoC) devices, which are available in a choice of packages, help simplify radio designs, shrink their size, lower power consumption, and reduce system cost. The ZIC2410 delivers +8 dBm output power, –98 dBm receiver sensitivity, and 106 dB link budget. The high sensitivity provides immunity to interference from other 2.4-GHz transmissions, while the high output power and link budget can eliminate the need for power amplifiers and additional range extension components. The low-power 8-bit 8051-based MCU includes an onboard a-law/µ-law audio CODEC with ADPCM support that. Combined with an I2S interface, the CODEC allows the ZIC2410 to transmit voice data. The ZIC2410 transceivers are well suited for remote sensing, AMR/AMI, home and building automation, and security networks. CALIFORNIA EASTERN LABORATORIES, Santa Clara, CA. (408) 919-2500.
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