Designers can reduce pc board area or use more powerful microcontrollers in the same pc-board area, it's claimed, when they design in the ST62, an 8-bit MCU that comes housed in an ultra-compact SSOP package. ST62 devices are available in 16- and 28-pin SSOPs and include the 16-pin ST6201CN6, offering 2 kbytes of ROM, 64 bytes of RAM, a 4-channel a/d converter and nine I/O pins; the 16-pin ST6262CN6 with 2 kbytes of ROM, 64 bytes of RAM, 64 bytes of EEPROM, a 4-channel ADC, an auto-reload timer and nine I/O pins; and the 28-pin ST6225CN6 with 4 kbytes of ROM, 64 bytes of RAM, a 16-channel ADC and 20 I/O pins. Other features include high current outputs and noise immunity.
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