Extending the company's SHB Express family, five PICMG 1.3 backplanes debut that support SHB Express system host boards and a variety of PCI Express, PCI-X, and PCI option cards. The BPG4 has five slots with the SHB slot optimized for a graphic-class PICMG 1.3 system host board. It provides one x16 PCI Express slot and a x4 PCIe option card slot. With four slots, the BPG2/2 supports a PICMG 1.3 system host, one x16 PCI Express card, and two 64-bit/133-MHz PCI-X cards. The x16 PCIe link also supports x8, x4, and x1 PCI Express cards. The BPX5 provides six slots with the SHB slot optimized for a server-class PICMG 1.3 system host. One x4 and two x8 PCI Express slots are on board with an additional x4 PCIe slot available as an option. Five slots on the BPG3/2 support a PICMG 1.3 system host, two x8 PCI Express cards, and two 64-bit/133-MHz PCI-X cards. The board's x8 PCIe links also support x4 and x1 PCI Express cards. The 19-slot BPX6571 is designed for applications with a large number of PCI-X and universal PCI cards. The backplane supports a PICMG 1.3 system host board and has one x8 and one x4 PCI Express card slot. A total of sixteen 64-bit/66 PCI-X card slots are available that also support universal PCI cards. TRENTON TECHNOLOGY INC., Atlanta, GA. (800) 875-6031.
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