Surpassing the voltage and current capabilities of standard digital I/O cards, the ME8200 series cards provide 16 optically isolated and 16 optically isolated inputs. The cards are capable of driving large loads as well as lower level TTL signals. Isolated outputs drive 3V to 45V loads and source up to 700 mA per channel while the 16 isolated inputs accept inputs from 3.3V to 45V and provide transient protection. Inputs connect to a bit-pattern circuit that offers pattern match and change-detection capabilities. Additionally, I/Os include 500V of isolation from the PC ground and the TTL lines are two bi-directional, eight-bit ports, independently employable as latched outputs or gated inputs. The series offers four versions: ME8200A PCI card with eight isolated outputs, eight isolated inputs, and 16 TTL I/O lines, ME8200B PCI card with 16 isolated outputs, 16 isolated inputs, and 16 TTL I/O lines, ME8200AC Compact PCI card with eight isolated outputs, eight isolated inputs, and 16 TTL I/O lines, and the ME8200BC Compact PCI card with 16 isolated outputs, 16 isolated inputs, and 16 TTL I/O lines. Prices for the ME8200A and ME8200B boards are $ 459 and $559 each, respectively. ICSDATACOM, Pleasanton, CA. (800) 952-4499.