Capable of generating frequencies of from 100 kHz to 1 GHz, the RSG-1000 DDS-based synthesized RF signal generator is suitable for use in lab and production facilities. Among the instrument's other features are a solid-state attenuator, reverse power protection, and standard frequency reference stability of 1.0 ppm. Both calibrated FM and AM modulation also are available, and an internal 1 kHz source can be used for external signals from 50 Hz to 25 kHz. A two-line vacuum fluorescent display shows all operating parameters. Data is entered via the keyboard or analog-style spinner knob. Standard output level is 0 dBm with solid-state GaAs calibrated output attenuator rated down to -130 dBm and flatness specified at ±0.5 dB. Options include external reference input, RS-232 interface, 0.1 ppm stable timebase, and 0.1 dB amp level flatness.