The GT-10J touch-screen replaces simple text panels while upgrading machines. It has a green backlit LCD screen with 192 KB of memory and includes multiple PLC drivers, such as from Allen Bradley, Aromat, Modbus RTU, Siemens and Mitsubishi. The programming software also supports bit-map graphics, true type fonts, key switches, function keys, lamps, multiple message texts, bar graphs, data entry points, individual keyboard screens, and custom switches. The GT-10J connects to a custom board controller or PC through a “general-purpose serial” mode. Users can choose to work in any language, including Basic, C, Pascal, Assembler or any that sends ASCII strings over RS-232C ports. The GT-10J supports modem capability that allows users to remotely program both display and PLC. Pricing is $299. AROMAT CORP., New Providence, NJ. (800) 228-2350.