A new fast acting fuse series boasts a low-profile 0603/1608 footprint. These surface mount overcurrent protection devices, designated the 0603FA Chip fuse series, are targeted at consumer electronics, portable phones and telecom equipment, and computers and peripherals. The fuses are alpha marked to show ampere rating, and the mark faces upward to ensure the ampere rating can be identified during and after assembly. These fuses have a voltage rating of 32 Vdc from 250 mA to 2A and 24 Vdc from 2.5A to 5A and are designed to open at 200% rated current. Environmentally rugged, the 0603FA series fuses comply with the EIA-IS-722 standard. According to the company, chip fuses will not burn or char when used in applications subjected to high temperature environments because they are printed on a ceramic substrate and encapsulated with glass. The ceramic and glass cover of the chip fuse also makes it more resistant to chemical solvents, and thus the fuse can withstand vigorous board washing operations during board assembly. For more information, contact COOPER ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, Boynton Beach, FL. (561) 752-5000.
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