Based on Analog Devices' ADSP-21160 DSP chip, the PMC HH1 is a fully compliant PMC module designed to act as a high-speed data gateway to or from the company's VANTEGRA-2 DSP SHARC-based VME boards. The module can be situated on any host card that has an IEEE P1386.1/VITA 20-199x PMC site. It integrates one ADSP-21160 operating at 100 MHz (600 MFLOPs peak), six 100 MB/s SHARC link ports at the front panel, a 32-bit, 33-MHz PCI-to-SHARC interface, and 4 MB of flash configurable as boot or user flash. Software support includes BSF for board configuration and initialization, built-in-test software, VxWorks driver support, VisualDSP, and White Mountain emulators and debuggers. There is also support for Eonic Systems Virtuoso lightweight DSP RTOS. Price starts at $1,877.