Chipset Helps Build High-Speed Broadband Access Equipment

May 1, 2000
Directed at OEMs wanting to build high-speed, high-density, low-power-dissipation broadband access equipment, the MTK20450 three-chip set provides four fully functional multi-mode ADSL modems. The quad ADSL chipset consists of the MTC-20454 analog

Directed at OEMs wanting to build high-speed, high-density, low-power-dissipation broadband access equipment, the MTK20450 three-chip set provides four fully functional multi-mode ADSL modems. The quad ADSL chipset consists of the MTC-20454 analog front end housed in a 100-pin TQFP, the MTC-20455 modem/framer in a 160-pin PQFP or MBGA, and the MTC-20136 transceiver controller in a 144-pin PQFP or 160-pin MBGA.
The MTK20450 chipset dissipates only 0.5W per line. And by using the embedded multi-mode software provided with the set, each of the four ADSL interfaces is capable of full rate G.DMT and low rate G.Lite operation. The set can also run in an ADSL-over-ISDN mode with the same board design.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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