Many of the firm's standard LCDs are now also available in designs having a reduced footprint and lower cost. The new LCDs are made using three different technologies: chip-on-glass (COG), which yields an ultra compact, thin design; tape-automatic-bonding (TAB), which produces devices that can be "plugged" directly into the user's control board, eliminating the need to use a wire interconnect scheme; and chip-on-board (COB), which allows the semiconductor die to be bonded directly onto the pc board, thereby significantly lowering cost and board space requirements. Typical of the new displays is the Slim family of LCD modules. The devices have pixel-to-pixel gaps as low as 0.01 mm, resulting in a high resolution. In addition, they employ a new drive technology that permits operation with a 3V supply and reduces power consumption to a reported 1/4 of that for conventional modules. Applications for the new LCDs include handheld products, clocks, calculators, games, and more. The firm also is developing a line of partial- and full-color displays for the family.