A passive RGB color LCD with integral film technology that increases viewing angle, Model DMF50944NCU-FW-AD offers a wide viewing angle, similar to that found in more expensive active matrix technology displays. High brightness is achieved using L-shaped cold cathode tubes (CCTs) that offer a typical brightness of 170 cd/m2. Interface to the module requires 5V for logic and an 8-bit parallel data transfer. Optional controller boards are available for CPU/MPU direct and PCbus interfaces. Other features include a resolution of 320 x 3 (RGB) x 240 pixels, dot size of 0.09 x 0.33 mm, dot pitch of 0.12 x 0.36 mm, and a viewing area of 119 x 90 mm in a total outline dimension of 147.1 x 127.1 x 12.3 mm.
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