SnapStik components consist of a series of snap-together board separators and other devices that combine to create a low-cost, yet robust incremental card-cage for PC/104 and PC/104-Plus boards. The inherently strong and rugged system is potentially smaller and lighter than fixed-length, railed card-cages. That’s because the number of cards in the stack determines the length of a SnapStik, while the length of a railed card-cage is fixed. With four solid attachment points to an inherently shock and vibration absorbing material, SnapStiks are potentially more rugged than conventional card-cages, in which the boards are merely contained in a slot space and have no positive point of attachment.Basic to the SnapStik system is the SnapSlot, which is a hollow, polypropylene card-cage rail segment with length equal to the spacing required for one PC/104 card. SnapSlots attach to the corners of cards using a threaded 4-40 insert and machine screw.
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