Small, low-cost, 8-bit microcontrollers with analog support are ideal for white-goods, mobile, and security applications. Philips Semiconductors' 12-MHz, two-clock, 8051-based LPC935 houses a pair of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) in addition to a pair of digital-to-analog converters and analog comparators. Eight other versions are available. The chips support up to 4 kbytes of flash, 256 bytes of RAM, and 512 bytes of EEPROM. Each chip has SPI, I2C, and a UART, plus four configurable I/O ports. The on-chip oscillator runs at 7.3728 MHz. Pricing for the LPC93x starts at $1.27, with an upper limit of $1.87 based on peripheral and memory configuration. The chips come in 28-pin QFN and TSSOP packages. Third-party development boards and toolkits are available. The MCB900 development board for Keil Software costs $59.