Everyone talks about the next wireless "killer application." But users seem more interested in usability issues than the latest and greatest application. For this reason and others, Sierra Wireless has embedded a VPN client into its VoqMail Professional Edition (VoqMail Pro). This unique handset gives business professionals the usability of a keyboard. At the same time, they gain the advantages of a secure VPN-client connection to the corporate enterprise network.
Certicom Corp. (www.certicom.com) will have its movianVPN security solution embedded in the Voq Professional Phone. As an embedded feature that supports multiple VPN gateways, this solution is designed to offer IT managers minimal administration. They should also gain a higher return on their existing security-infrastructure investments.
The Voq Professional Phone is based on the Microsoft Windows Mobile software for smart phones. The product was developed specifically for enterprise users and mobile professionals. It is designed to offer business applications, such as e-mail, in conjunction with strong security for sensitive and confidential information.
The VoqMail Personal and Profes-sional Edition software provides useable and secure access to corporate e-mail. For more information, visit www.voq.net/site/news_events/news_20040211.voq.
Sierra Wireless, Inc.13811 Wireless Way, Richmond, BC V6V 3A4 Canada; (604) 231-1100, www.sierrawireless.com.