Keil has a pair of development kits that highlight STMicroelectronics' ARM7 and ARM9 product lines. The first is the STR912FW44X board (see the Figure) based on the ARM966E-S microcontroller. It has a two-line, 16-character LCD display, dual serial ports, a CAN interface, an SD memory card socket, a USB interface, and an Ethernet interface. It also has eight status LEDs.
The STR730-SK has a STR730FZ2, ARM7TDMI based microcontroller. The MCU has 256 Kbytes of flash, 16 Kbytes of RAM, 16-channel 10-bit ADC, CAN, UART, SPI, I2C, DMA, RTC, PWM, and 112 GPIO. The board has a pair of serial ports and a pair of CAN interfaces. There are two 7-segment LEDs as well.
The boards have on-board monitors that work with the evaluation version of Keil's RealView MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit. This tool suite also works with JTAG support available through the optional ULINK USB-JTAG adapter. The uVision Debugger also supports sophisticated simulation support including simulation of on-chip peripherals.