Passive Color LCD Built To Handle High Information Content Apps
Capable of serving as a color, high-information-content user interface in space-limited applications, the 50887 series of ultra compact, RGB passive color LCD modules features a 256(x3) x 64-pixel display having a viewing area measuring just 3.7" x 1.0", with the total module measuring only 4.5" x 1.5" x 0.7". The screen packs a bright cold cathode fluorescent tube (CCFT) offering a typical brightness of 150 cd/m2, with the typical contrast ratio rated at 30:1. Also on-board is the CCFT backlight's dc-to-ac inverter, as well as the dc-to-dc converter for generating all display contrast voltages. The module also employs a SED 1353 graphics controller with 256K of SRAM. Data is transferred via an 8-bit parallel plus 16-bit address pipeline compatible with MC68000 family and other 8/16-bit MPUs. The controller can generate a 256-color display out of 4096 colors.
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