With signal-to-noise ratios that are said to be better than similar devices on the market, the BU8731KV and BU8733KV linear PCM codecs are good candidates for applications in GSM, CDMA and TDMA digital cellular phones and other portable communication applications. While both ICs are functionally similar, power portions of the BU8733KV have been redesigned to reduce overall current consumption. Typical operating current for the BU8733KV is 5.4 mA vs. 8 mA for the BU8731KV. Both offer 0.1-µA standby current.Both ICs include a 14-bit linear or µ/A-law codec, an on-board DTMF and a tone generator for generating melodies in the ringer. The DTMF and tone-generator functions are included to remove those burdens from the system DSP.
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