Housing a controller chip and long-life lithium cell in the firm's proprietary Snaphat package, M40Z300/W device is designed to turn standard low-power SRAMs into non-volatile RAMs (NVRAMs)- the controller comes in a 28-pin, 330-mil SOIC package and the cell is contained in a removable top that is snapped onto the SOIC after the board has been assembled to prevent damage to the cell during reflow soldering. By allowing use of standard low power SRAMs, the device is said to be less costly than alternative solutions based on hybrid technology. By integrating all of the non-SRAM components, such as a precision voltage reference and a comparator, into a compact package, M40Z300/W NVRAMs are said to make board design easier, reduce board space requirements, and increase reliability. It also allows expended batteries to be replaced simply by exchanging the battery housing. The device automatically performs battery voltage monitoring upon power-up and at factory-programmed time intervals of 24 hours. It comes in a choice of power fail detection voltages of 2.6V, 2.9V, 4.3V or 4.6V.
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