Betting on a gaggle of features to help them win assignments in smoke detectors, battery chargers, sensor systems, instrumentation, and numerous other products, the PIC16C712 and PIC16C716 8-bit RISC microcontrollers offer the firm's In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) capability, which allows the µCs to be programmed after being placed on a pc board. This gives OEMs greater design flexibility and faster time to market. Offered in 18- and 20-pin PDIP, SOIC and PLCC packages, the one-time programmable (OTP) µCs feature 4-channel, 8-bit ADCs, brown-out detect, 3 timers, and capture, compare and PWM modules. PIC16C712 and PIC16C716 µCs also have 1024 x 14 and 2048 x 14 bits of OTP memory, respectively, along with 128 bytes of user RAM, 13 I/O, watchdog timer, and a 2.5V to 5.5V operating voltage range.
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