Claimed as the industry’s fastest CompactPCI computer board, the C2P3 includes two Pentium III processors running at 550 MHz, 1 Gbyte of main memory, and 1 Mbyte of Level 2 cache. It’s aimed at compute-intensive applications such as telecommunications, aerospace and imaging. Augmenting the CPUs and memory are Intel’s 82443BX and Intel 740 advanced graphics processor. In addition, the board provides a 100-MHz implementation of Intel’s Front Side Bus, a local bus that connects the CPUs with cache and main memory. It also deploys the DEC 21554 drawbridge chip to allow multi-processing. Future versions will run at clock speeds of 600 and 650 MHz.Also available is a version with two Celeron PPG370 processors running at 466 MHz (666 MHz in the future). The Celeron version also includes 256 kbytes of on-die cache. The C2P3 also offers a versatile array of I/O and networking options and support for hot-swap I/O modules on the CompactPCI bus.