Tool Handles Power-Off, Component-Level Troubleshooting Of PCBs
Designed to work with any oscilloscope that can be operated in an X/Y mode, the Tracker 200 is a quick and cost-effective troubleshooting tool for power-off, component-level troubleshooting of pc boards. The combined scope/Tracker capabilities give engineers and technicians the ability to go from basic circuit analysis to comprehensive component-level diagnosis. The oscilloscope is used to display the current-voltage "analog signature" generated by the Tracker 200 of a device under test.The resulting display can be used to judge the overall health of the device or circuit being tested. The firm's analog signature analysis technology is said to work equally well for diagnosing digital, analog or hybrid boards and components. The tool features four test ranges and a low-voltage range for low-power surface-mount devices. Three test frequencies allow for the testing of capacitors and inductors.
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