Targeting imaging and position-detection systems, the TSL3301 linear optical sensor array combines photodetectors, an 8-bit A/D converter and control circuitry on one monolithic chip. The 300-dpi, 102 x 1-pixel array operates down to 3V and also features a sleep mode for reduced power consumption. The on-board ADC converts pixel data at a 1-µs rate.
The array is split into three 34-pixel segments, each with its own set of programmable gain and offset registers--the registers enable designers to compensate for offset errors and to normalize the gain across the array. And a command set provides control of the device, with users able to set pixel integration time, read and write to gain and offset registers, and more. The pixel output is serial in nature with each pixel value represented by eight bits and the serial data clock running as high as 10 MHz for a 1 Mpixel throughput rate. The TSL3301 sensor array can operate over a 0°C to 70°C temperature range and costs $4.65 each/1,000 while TSLW3301 spans a -40°C to 115°C range and is priced at $5.58.