Gigabit Ethernet Card Delivers Fiber-Like Transmission Rates In Copper-Based Networks
Boasting of transmission speeds comparable to those of fiber systems, the PMC-3120 is a PCI mezzanine card with one Gigabit Ethernet interface controller port for copper-based networks. The board is designed to relieve the bottlenecks in datacomm, LAN/WAN, and telecomm applications caused in copper-based networks by high bandwidth transmissions, as well as to eliminate the need to rewire buildings. The Gigabit Ethernet board includes 16 KB of transmit and 48 KB of receive FIFO buffer memory, allowing back-to-back transmissions with minimal interface latency. A 100Base-Tx and 1000Base-T auto-detection CSMA/CD interface controller is also provided. Software support is in the form of drivers for VxWorks, Linux and Windows NT. Single-unit price is $695.