Packet Processing Engine Squeezes 672 Channels Into Single cPCI Slot
Said to be the industry's highest density DSP-based packet processing engine, the ComStruct CPCI/C5441 is designed to provide telecomm OEMs with a platform for applications such as soft switches and enhanced IP-enabled services for both wireline and third-generation wireless networks. Employing the programmable TMS320VC5441 digital signal processor (DSP) platform from Texas Instruments and Telogy Software, the board supports up to 672 channels—each of which can provide compressed voice or fax relay over IP or ATM—in a single CompactPCI slot. And an ATM interface is said to make the board an ideal building block for developing and deploying voice over ATM applications, such as the emerging voice over DSL in the local loop.
Providing direct termination of multiple T1/E1 or T3/E3 lines, the board can use its H.110 interface for in-chassis call distribution and to support external line termination, such as OC/3. The CPCI/C5441 will initially run under Solaris 2.8 64-bit and Linux OSs and will be supported by the firm's FACT integrated subsystem development tool and management environment. It will be available in Q3, with 200K ports of compressed voice or fax relay over IP or ATM projected to cost <$25 per port (includes hardware, software and patent licenses).