About the size of a coin, the 30 x 36 mm UC1394a-1 multi-chip board employs a general-purpose embedded DSP configuration and supports the company's EVM-Kits for DSP and embedded image processing applications. The 116-pin board in a PLCC package includes a programmable DSP, an FPGA, 400-Mb/s FireWire communications, and a variety of I/O capabilities. Its TMS320C5509 DSP delivers up to 400 MIPS and the Spartan-II FPGA provides 50,000 gates. The FireWire interface is capable of streaming data at rates up to 32 MB/s. The board also includes RS-232, USB, McBSP, I2C, JTAG, a/d conversion for four analog inputs, and user-configurable digital I/O. Price is $500 each/100. TRAQUAIR DATA SYSTEMS INC., Ithaca, NY. (607) 266-6000.
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