Based on high-pin-count PIC18F flash microcontrollers, the PIC18FXX20 64/80L TQFP board is designed to demonstrate the controllers's digital and analog peripherals and to rapidly perform prototyping activities. Digital features of the demo board include a RS-232 port, ICD connection, eight LEDs for diagnostic tests, a crystal clock circuit (RC optional), and reset and user buttons. Analog features include potentiometer input to an A/D converter and a temperature sensor. In addition to a PIC18F8720 flash microcontroller, the demo board also comes with the company's MPLAB in-circuit debugger (ICD) 2 tool, helping enable designers to develop and debug source code by watching variables, single-stepping and setting break points. The demo board (DM183020) costs $49; the MPLAB tool is priced at $188. MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC., Chandler, AZ. (480) 792-7668.
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