Board Interfaces GPIB To Modbus

Oct. 8, 2008
The Model 4829A GPIB-to-Modbus interface board enables control of slave Modbus devices that use RS-422 or RS-485 signals from the GPIB bus. The board promises to simplify control programs by handling all message formatting and checking necessary for

The Model 4829A GPIB-to-Modbus interface board enables control of slave Modbus devices that use RS-422 or RS-485 signals from the GPIB bus. The board promises to simplify control programs by handling all message formatting and checking necessary for communicating with devices that use the Modbus RTU protocol. It also includes an RS-232-to-RS-485 converter, allowing control of the slave Modbus device via a PC COM port or other serial source. The 4829A provides two interfaces for controlling the slave Modbus RTU device. The GPIB interface lets users send simple ASCII messages on the GPIB bus to control and query slave Modbus RTU devices. It performs all Modbus packet formatting and handles the response packets and also provides all required IEEE-488.2 functions and an expanded IEEE-488.2 status-reporting structure. Measuring 4” x 4.5”, the board mounts to the rear panel of a host chassis so that the GPIB and RS-232 connectors protrude through the rear panel. Prices start at $ 355 each. ICS ELECTRONICS, Pleasanton, CA. (925) 416-1000.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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