Charging THINERGY thin-film batteries or traditional batteries to perpetually operate low-power devices, the Lifetime Power energy harvesting development kit features near-loss-less energy storage and efficient charging via the THINERGY micro-energy cell, a solid-state, rechargeable thin-film micro-battery from Infinite Power Solutions. The kit includes a 3W Powercaster transmitter, P2110 Powerharvester receiver evaluation board, custom-designed battery-charging board, 1-mAh THINERGY evaluation card, and accessories. A Texas Instruments eZ430-RF2500 wireless development tool is also included as a demo app. The kit offers multiple charging options via its custom battery-charging board, which allows the receiver to directly charge a THINERGY cell or connect to the THINERGY Application Development Platform for enhanced measurement and analysis. Price for the Lifetime Power kit is $900. POWERCAST CORP., Pittsburgh, PA. (800) 963-6538.