Finding its way into a wide variety of applications from education to research, the USB DrDAQ scope/data-logger/IO board provides 15 I/O channels. Accompanying software enables a 100-kHz oscilloscope and data logger with extra input and output capabilities. The USB DrDAQ includes a microphone, light sensor, RGB LED, oscilloscope and resistance inputs, four digital I/O ports, three sensor ports, a pH/redox sensor input, and a signal generator output. It samples at 1 Msamples/s and can function as a single-channel eight-bit oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer with the ability to measure voltages up to ±10 volts. Price for the USB DrDAQ starts at $159.85 each. In a kit with four sensors and scope probe, price is $359.95. SAELIG CO., Pittsford, NY. (888) 772-3544.