The optimizing C compiler, ICD-U64 programmer/debugger, and CCSLoad programmer control software from CSS now support serial data streaming through Microchip’s PIC MCU ICSPT interface. The streaming approach allows diagnostic and performance data to be output and charted without stopping execution. This upgrade promises to chisel down the cost of diagnostic serial ports while also taking a chunk out of board size. According to CSS, “repurposing the programming interface as a serial port reduces cost during product development, production and after deployment in the field.” Expanding the C compiler is a function that allows the use of "printf" and "getc" statements to stream data to a PC through the ICSP interface. The ICD-U64 serves as the physical interface, bridging the target's programming pins to the host PC's USB port. Users can access the data through CCSLoad or alternatively, a Window's terminal emulation program, DOS command line interface or the SIOW data graphing interface included in the CCC IDE Compilers. Remote internet access is provided via Telnet. CCS Inc., Waukesha, WI. (262) 522-6500.