The EPC9005 development board promises to make it easier to start designing with 40V enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN) field effect transistors (FETs) in applications such as dc/dc power supplies, POL converters, class D audio amps, plus hard-switched and high-frequency circuits. The board handles a 40V maximum device voltage, 7A maximum output current, and a half bridge with gate drives. Measuring 2” x 1.5”, it contains two EPC2014 GaN FETs in a half bridge configuration with gate drivers, a gate-drive supply, bypass capacitors, and all critical components and layout for optimal switching performance. There are also various probe points to facilitate waveform measurement and efficiency calculation. Pricing for EPC9005 development boards is $95 each. Pricing for EPC9005 development boards is $95 each. EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORP., El Segundo, CA. (310) 615-0280.