Elma Bustronic CompactPCI Serial (CPCI S.0) backplanes feature a point-to-point star topology to deliver fast serial data transfers and transmission frequencies of over 12 Gbits/s. The 3U backplanes come in 3-, 5-, and 9-slot options. The 3-slot backplane features one CPCI-5.0 system (CPU) slot and two CPCI-5.0 peripheral slots; the 5-slot version has one system slot and four periphals slots; and the 9-slot version has one system slot and eight peripheral slots. All slots are connected to each other through a full mesh Ethernet topology. Also available is an 8-slot CompactPCI PlusIO backplane. System slots support serial interfaces such as PCI Express, SATA, USB2, and USB3. Applications include railway, avionics, transportation, and shipboard systems.