Melding circuitry for both an analog interface and a Digital Visual Interface (DVI), the AD9882 chip is targeted for use in LCD monitors, projectors, high-definition TVs, and other displays. Designed to be compatible with both existing and future, digital-ready PCs, the new dual interface IC employs "smart partitioning" technology in which the mixed-signal interface chip is separated from the digital scaler used to resize video signals to match the digital display's native high resolution-smart partitioning is said to enable monitor makers to differentiate end-products and provide superior image quality. Supporting resolutions up to SXGA (1280 x 1024 at 75 Hz), the AD9882's 8-bit, 140-MSPS analog interface is optimized for capturing RGB graphic signals from PCs and workstations. The interface also features mid-scale clamping for component video signals, commonly used in HDTV. The chip's DVI v.1.0-compatible receiver also supports resolutions up to SXGA (1280 x 1024 at 60 Hz). In addition, the AD9882 supports High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP), allowing viewing of contents encrypted according to Intel's HDCP v.10 standard. Housed in 100-lead LQFPs, the chip comes in two speed grades: AD9882KS-100 for XGA displays and costing $7.50 each/10K; and AD9882KS-140 for SXGA displays and priced at $9.00 each. ANALOG DEVICES INC., Wilmington, MA. (781) 937-1428.
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