All electronic equipment requires a dc power supply. Power supplies for industrial and factory-automation equipment are a special case, though. Not only must they operate in what is considered a hazardous environment, but they must also be small, efficient, reliable, and economical. They’re a tough combination of design goals to achieve.
If you’re designing equipment for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or the Industry 4.0 movement, you must meet those challenging goals. For that reason, you should carefully consider a make vs. buy decision on the power supply. Why make your own if the budget allows you to acquire power supplies made especially for these applications?
IIoT and Industry 4.0
Just to be sure we’re all thinking the same way here, let’s define what we mean by IIoT and Industry 4.0. IIoT is a collection of technologies that apply to manufacturing and industrial processes. IIoT methods are designed to improve productivity and the ability to manage a major industrial investment.