LabView 7.1 extends its previous Express version to automated instrumentation and real-time applications. It includes Express Virtual Instruments (VIs) for National Instruments' modular instruments and NI-DAQmx software.
Five new Express VIs for the company's digitizers, signal generators, and high-speed I/O products let engineers configure sophisticated measurements and acquire data with just a few mouse clicks. Redesigned NI-DAQmx measurement services software, available in real-time applications, increases single-loop PID (proportional, integral, derivative) applications by 30% and simplifies hardware-time loop optimization. A LabView 7.1 PDA module adds data-acquisition functionality, including faster multichannel acquisition and analog and digital triggering. With the modules, engineers can create customized handheld DMMs to communicate with Bluetooth-enabled devices.
LabView 7.1's advanced execution timing and graphical debugging suits low-level control and visibility of real-time execution. Users can specify precise timing of code segments, coordinate multiple time-critical activities, and define priority-based loops for creating multirate applications. A LabView Execution Trace Toolkit, which comes with the real-time LabView module, lets users quickly identify jitter sources.
An FPGA module is available to improve the efficiency and functionality of embedded FPGA designs. Its single-cycle "while" loops execute multiple functions within a single 25-ns tick of the 40-MHz global clock. Users can create VHDL code in LabView FPGA applications with a new HDL interface node. Three new FPGA targets include the NI Compact Vision System.
Priced at $9956, LabView 7.1 is available now.
National 258-7022