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Quantum Computing

What’s So Special About Quantum Computing?

Quantum computers are in the process of significantly expanding computing power, which creates opportunities for improving cybersecurity.
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Cybersecurity from the Developer’s Seat

In this first part of a three-part series, we talk to Skip Sanzeri, Co-Founder, Board Chair, and COO of QuSecure, about how cybersecurity is becoming more and more important in...
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Examining Today's RISC-V Ecosystem

The open-source RISC-V architecture offers new options for those who create microcontroller and microprocessor designs.
Military Video Promo

Rugged TCXO Speeds GPS Signal Acquisition, Locking in Mil/Aero Systems

SiTime's 32.768-kHz Super-TCXO enables the design of ultra-rugged devices, addressing critical market needs beyond military and aerospace.
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Infineon Promo

Processor Boot Solution Addresses High-Rel Edge Space Systems

Teledyne e2v and Infineon will join forces on an optimized processor boot solution for compute-intensive space systems.
Machine Learning

Configurable 64-bit RISC-V IP Targets Machine Learning, Other Advanced Apps

Configurable high-bandwidth RISC-V cores with vector units can be made to directly address challenging applications like machine learning, AI, and other cutting-edge spaces.
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Instant-On AI Leverages Cortex-M85 MCU

Renesas Electronics presented live demos of AI and machine-learning implementations on an MCU based on the Arm Cortex-M85 processor.
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Test & Measurement

Vital Sign Monitoring from Inside a Mattress

Analog Devices’ vital signs monitoring solutions leverage integrated and discrete sensor and signal-conditioning technology for portable, wearable, and bedside monitoring systems...
NürnbergMesse GmbH
Emedded World

Highlights from embedded world 2023 (Part 1)

Over 950 exhibitors from 44 countries presented their product innovations and solutions at the embedded world Exhibition & Conference to nearly 27,000 visitors. Here's Part 1 ...
Renesas Electronics
Ren2313 Renesas M85 Ai Demo Web

Renesas Claims First AI Employed in Cortex-M85 Processor with Helium Tech

The company will present the first live demonstrations of AI and machine-learning implementations on an MCU based on the Arm Cortex-M85 processor at embedded world 2023.