
Mountain View, CA 94043


About Synopsys

Synopsys is at the forefront of Smart Everything with the world’s most advanced technologies for chip design, verification, IP integration, and software security and quality testing.


690 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043

More Info on Synopsys

Synopsys technology is at the heart of innovations that are changing the way people work and play. Self-driving cars. Machines that learn. Lightning-fast communication across billions of devices in the datasphere. These breakthroughs are ushering in the era of Smart Everything―where devices are getting smarter and connected, and security is an important consideration.

Powering this new era of digital innovation are high-performance silicon chips and exponentially growing amounts of software content. Synopsys is at the forefront of Smart Everything with the world’s most advanced technologies for chip design, verification, IP integration, and software security and quality testing. We help our customers innovate from silicon to software so they can bring Smart Everything to life.

Articles & News


Adopting AI-Based Circuit Optimization and Migration

June 3, 2024
Analog designs are challenging, but artificial-intelligence optimizations are improving and speeding up the design process.
Andrei Dzemidzenka, Dreamstime

Does This Chip Hold the Future of the Semiconductor Industry?

April 3, 2024
Learn more about Pike Creek and its potential implications as the first test chip featuring chiplets linked by the UCIe standard.
309588159 © Alexei Onufriiciuc |

Ethernet Tailored for the AI Era

March 22, 2024
The latest Ethernet PHY and controller IP from Synopsys can crank out up to 1.6 Tb/s of bandwidth.
Machine Learning

Generative AI to Usher in Big Opportunities in 2024

Feb. 6, 2024
Learn what’s in the forecast for generative AI this year and how it will impact the electronics industry.
Promo Multi Die Synopsiys Web

Multi-Die Systems Reshape Semiconductor Innovation

Oct. 3, 2023
Explore the main driving forces behind today’s multi-die systems, how they’re becoming the choice system architecture, and how they’re catalyzing the next wave of semiconductor...
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Software Dreamstime L 107262797

Securing Your Software Supply Chain: Recognize the Risks and Solutions

Sept. 28, 2023
As software risk impacts organizations’ bottom lines, the prevalence of developers using open-source software in their projects poses software supply-chain challenges. This article...

Videos & Resources

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Machine Learning

Latest AI Innovations Bring the Power with Greater Efficiency

Nov. 14, 2023
From neural processing units to a panel PC, these new AI-focused products deliver TOPS performance with an eye on much sought-after efficiency and lower costs.
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This Year's DAC Provides a Snapshot of the Industry

July 25, 2022
The 2022 Design Automation Conference showcased the latest design and development tools, and emphasized the importance of communication and collaboration in the industry today...
Ed Whitepaper Promo Finished

Chiplets – Electronic Design Automation Insights

This webinar is an Electronic Design Member Exclusive Event. Please log in to view the video archive of our panel of EDA experts.

All content from Synopsys

Transistors Dreamstime Vitalii Holubtsov 104815934promo

76 Years of the Transistor: Then, Now, and What’s to Come

March 29, 2023
Transistor advances have gone through several stages over the years, each driven by the need to meet new demands in terms of size, performance, and power consumption. Explore ...
Ai Chip Design Promo Web

AI-Assisted Chip Design Continues to Catch On

March 7, 2023
According to Synopsys, has been used to help tape out 100 different chips to date, including those from Samsung and SK Hynix.
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Dreamstime David Roberts 108771163

Why 2023 Holds Big Promise for Multi-Die Systems

Jan. 11, 2023
While the concept of multi-die systems isn’t new, it’s poised to make deeper inroads into the semiconductor world this coming year as the ecosystem around these architectures ...
Image credit: Dreamstime
Processor Die Promo

Synopsys Uses AI to Ease Information Overload in Chip Design

June 14, 2022
DesignDash includes machine learning to intelligently sift through vast volumes of chip design data.
Synopsys Ossra Promo

Open Source vs. Security and Risk: An Analysis Report

April 19, 2022
Synopsys’ Open Source Security and Risk Analysis report highlights the good and the bad.
Image credit: Dreamstime
Silicon Wafer Promo

Synopsys Partners With Microsoft to Take EDA to the Cloud

April 4, 2022
Major chip companies and startups alike are moving more chip design work to the cloud. Synopsys will join forces with Microsoft to help ease the transition.
Cables Connectors Large

How Hyperscalers Turned into Ethernet Roadmap Influencers

March 31, 2022
It’s the age of hyperscale data centers, and the demands for Ethernet bandwidth and speed have never been greater. Explore the trends and challenges of this new era with perspectives...
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Design For Test Promo
Test & Measurement

What’s Next for Physically Aware DFT?

Feb. 16, 2022
More complex designs and growing test logic need physically aware implementation of all DFT logic for optimal power, performance, and area.
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Silicon Processor Die Promo

Pre-Silicon Power Verification for Power-Hungry Applications

Dec. 8, 2021
Today’s high-performance, power-hungry applications require a new approach to power verification. Emulating power pre-silicon will save weeks of simulation experimentation, delivering...