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  • Quick Polls on Electronic Design
  • Quick Polls on Electronic Design

    Find out what other readers think about particular topics from software design to hardware testing
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime.com

    Quick Poll: Do You Give Technical Resource Recommendations?

    June 4, 2024
    Do you offer technical resource recommendations to help your peers?

    Quick Poll: Remembering MS-DOS

    April 29, 2024
    Did you use MS-DOS at some point? Let us know your experience in the Quick Poll.
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime.com
    Machine Learning

    Quick Poll: How Are You Using Generative AI and LLMs?

    April 24, 2024
    Do you use large language models in generative AI, and if so, what is their main function?
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime

    Quick Poll: Favorite April 1st, 2024 Story

    April 8, 2024
    Check out our April 1st series and let us know which one you liked best.

    Quick Poll: What's Your Favorite Song About Radio?

    March 5, 2024
    Pop music and radio are irrevocably intertwined, and sometimes they even intersect. Where do you fall?

    More content from Quick Polls on Electronic Design


    Quick Poll: What Do You Think of Mixed Reality Technology?

    Jan. 25, 2024
    The new "virtual" spatial computing world is a mixed, or eXtended, reality, which includes the augmented- and virtual-reality arenas.
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime

    Quick Poll: Your Most Difficult Debugging Chore

    Jan. 5, 2024
    What debugging task do you find to be the toughest one to complete?
    Tero Vesalainen | dreamstime.com
    Industry Insights

    Who is Using RISC-V?

    Dec. 6, 2023
    Open-source RISC-V continues to grab more attention as an option for building customized solutions. What's your stance on the instruction set?
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: A Memory Quiz

    Nov. 1, 2023
    Take this timed quiz to test your memory of memory and storage technologies.
    Dreamstime New 67138536

    A Timer to Remember

    Oct. 20, 2023
    Even in the age of MCUs, the NE555 remains useful decades after its inception.
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo
    Machine Learning

    Quick Poll: Generative AI, Copyrights, and Software

    Oct. 4, 2023
    Take a quick poll and see what other programmers are up to.
    Tero Vesalaine | Dreamstime

    Quick Poll: Is right to repair a consideration when designing your product?

    Aug. 28, 2023
    Right to repair has been gaining traction, as is the case with the new law in Massachusetts.
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: Do you share your content sources with other engineers?

    Aug. 17, 2023
    Is sharing this type of information part of your collaboration regime?
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: Do you like technical podcasts?

    Aug. 17, 2023
    We know engineers like PDF eBooks, but do they like to listen to technical podcasts?
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: Are You Using Rust?

    Aug. 3, 2023
    Rust has garnered a lot of interest in the embedded community, but where do you stand with using it?
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: When do you think artificial intelligence will be able to do 80% of your job?

    July 12, 2023
    As Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman said, "What, Me Worry?"
    Tero_Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo

    Quick Poll: What IoT Wireless Protocol Do You Use?

    June 2, 2023
    Let us know what communication connection you're using in your IoT applications.
    Ed Quick Poll Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo
    Test & Measurement

    Quick Poll: What are Your Most Important Test and Measurement Tasks?

    May 10, 2023
    What is the most pressing or important test and measurement task that you deal with on a regular basis?
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo
    Test & Measurement

    Quick Poll: What's the Most Valuable Piece of Equipment on Your RF Test Bench?

    April 27, 2023
    Take the poll to find out what others consider to be the most valuable piece of equipment on their RF test benches.
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735 636e77e566dc4

    Quick Poll: Are Chatbots Helping Develop Software?

    April 24, 2023
    Chatbots and AI/ML software is flooding not only the general markets, but software-development arenas as well.
    Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735 636e77e566dc4
    Industry Insights

    Quick Poll: Getting Technical Content for Offline Reading

    April 18, 2023
    Take a quick poll and let us know how you like to save our articles.
    Flydragonfly | Dreamstime
    Promo Flydragonfly Dreamstime Xxl 43558890
    Technology Advancements

    Which April 1st, 2023 Story Did You Like Best?

    April 6, 2023
    Did you enjoy any of our April 1st stories? We would like to know.
    Feng Yu_Dreamstime_127347510
    Feng Yu Dreamstime Xxl 127347510 Promo

    Mask Mandates, 2FA, and ChatGPT: What to Believe

    Feb. 23, 2023
    Skepticism is a trait that can work in both directions. The bottom line, though, is to make the best effort to understand an issue as well as the sources of information.
    Tero Vesalainen | dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735 636e77e566dc4

    Quick Poll: Who is Using ChatGPT?

    Feb. 23, 2023
    Let us know what you think about ChatGPT.
    Tero-Vesalainen | Dreamstime.com
    Ed Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735
    Test & Measurement

    Where Do You Utilize Hardware Test Equipment?

    Feb. 6, 2023
    COVID-19 changed when and where we worked. This also can dictate the type of equipment we have available to us.
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735

    Quick Poll: An EV Under Your Tree?

    Dec. 14, 2022
    Have EVs become good enough to stand a chance at winning the hearts, minds, and wallets of Electronic Design's savvy community of tech professionals?
    Tero-Vesalainen | dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735
    Industry Insights

    Quick Poll: What Supporting Technology is Most Important to the Solutions You're Creating?

    Dec. 2, 2022
    Take a quick poll and see what other engineers and programmers are up to.
    Tero-Vesalainen | dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735
    Test & Measurement

    Quick Poll: What's Your Most Commonly Used Diagnostic Development Tool?

    Nov. 11, 2022
    Take a quick poll and see what other engineers and programmers are up to.
    Tero Vesalainen | dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Tero Vesalainen Promo 131140735

    Quick Poll: What Embedded Programming Language Do You Use?

    Nov. 3, 2022
    Take a quick poll and see what other programmers are up to.